Saturday, May 30, 2009

Size matters..

[click on the picture to see its full size]

I entered college in 2006 somewhere between 125-128 lbs. Freshman year, my weight never hit 130..and that was when my eating habits were horrible. I ate fast food constantly [always at after 12am], one could always find me sleeping my classless days away, and I hardly exercised. By the end of summer '07 I was a bit thicker, but I still felt good. I weighed around 135 and felt like I had that "Southern" thickness all the guys in the South seem to like. Summer '08 was something else.
By August 2008 my weight was still on the rise. I don't even know the exact number of pounds I weighed, but I know that I had difficulty fitting into clothes from the summer prior. My wardrobe that summer consisted mostly of dresses because they easily hid my weight.

The pic below shows how I looked in January. It was taken before a campus party. At the time I felt great. I felt thick, but when I saw those pics my jaw dropped. I knew I was gaining weight but I didn't think it showed so much in my face. That pic was probably my rock bottom. I looked like a whale. And I didn't like it. I finally weighed myself after that. I was 155. I came in college 125. WOW, 30 lbs in three years. I didn't realize how quickly those lbs were stacking up.

I don't think I've allowed a decent pic to be taken of me since. I'm always hiding when cameras are flashing. I've changed my eating habits a lot. I didn't realize how much of a comfort object food was for me. I no longer have snacks in my pantry. If I can't cook it then it's not going in there. And if I don't wanna cook then I guess I'm not eating. lol. I have tons of veggies in my freezer. I've given up juices and sodas. I cut the junk out of my life 100%. I've also become more active. My apartment complex has a great gym and I love that place like it's my second home.

Some days I can see the changes and other days I feel as fat as I looked in January. I've only measured myself once since I've been on this weight-loss kick. It was two weeks after I started and I lost four lbs. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to go to the gym everyday like I did for those two weeks. I only go a few times a week, but I still keep up my eating habits.

I'll be updating on this whole weight-loss thing. I don't want to post a current pic of me until I'm happy with what I see, which will probably mean I'll look like August 2007. lol.

Have any of you been working out? For weightloss or for other reasons? What has it been like? Anyone been doing it for 3+ months? I'd love to hear your stories.


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