Thursday, March 19, 2009

"Dobby has got a sock," said Dobby in disbelief. "Master threw it, and Dobby caught it, and Dobby -- Dobby is free."

Wednesday I woke up at 1, turned on my laptop, clicked on the Mozilla browser, and opened four tabs. The first for my academic work, the second for, the third for my Youtube playlist, and the fourth for Facebook. As I was typing Facebook into the address bar, I realized that Facebook usually takes up most of my time so I should check Myspace and Twitter first. SO, I opened two more tabs, that makes a total of six tabs open: UNF,, Youtube, Myspace, Twitter, and Facebook. With Facebook, I saw myself as "saving the best for last."

Do you know what I did when I finally got to Facebook? Checked statuses, found out what the latest drama was, clicked through all the new pictures, and wrote on a few walls. After there was nothing else to do,I checked a few blogs and then came back to Facebook and refreshed the page a few times to see if there was anything new -- there wasn't. I then proceeded to do the same for Twitter, Myspace, Youtube (I actually get messages there lol) and (comment replies).

It dawned on me that I had too many electronic identities. Like, wtf is wrong with me that I open 6 tabs every time I get on the internet. Seriously? I asked myself.

It was 3 now. They were so distracting. I had work to do for my online class and there I was Facebooking, Myspacing, Theybfing, Twittering, and Youtubing away instead. I hadn't even brushed my teeth yet!!!

I decided to close my accounts with Facebook, Myspace, and Twitter. They were unnecessary. Did I need to know the latest drama? NO! Did I need to know who the current pregnant highschool and/or college person was? NO! Did I need to know Diddy's take on the number 10 acts of bitchassness or Solange's fitting for her banana pants????? Definitely NOT!!

Now, when I sign on, the few things I do include checking blogs and playing music from Youtube. Other than that, I've learned to focus on schoolwork. SIGHS of relief. I caught myself typing Facebook into the address bar once. I got to the homepage and there was nothing to do but stare at the little signin box. When I deactivated my account, they said that I could always reactivate it by signing in again. I'm trying to forget that I was told that though. lol. I want it to be like a country club or something. Once you turn in your membership card then there's no looking back. I consider my bridge with Facebook burned. People can always IM, text, call, or email me if they want to speak to me. And if they care to know how I'm feeling or what I'm doing then they can read my blog and condense everything into 140 characters or less. HAHAHA.

Long live the death of Toy's crackbook page!


D Alexandra said...

OMG! I love the first picture. it had me cracking up for a few minutes ^_^.

funny that you made a post on this... i closed my myspace a few weeks ago, for the same reasons. I need facebook though, lol. It's the only way I keep in contact with my family, sad but true.

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