Monday, March 2, 2009

Ohio State

Him: I have something to tell you..

Me: I'm listening

Him: I don't go to Ohio State.

[DUHHH!! You told me you played football for Ohio State, It doesn't take a rocket scientist to know that you'd be on their roster...which you're not. Damn right I checked]

Me: Ok

Him: When you asked me what school I went to, I panicked.

[Panicked??? What kinda bxtchassness is this?]

Me: ok

Him: I actually go to and play for the University of Alabama.

Apparently, it's the cool thing to lie about what school you attend. What's even more hilarious is that his name isn't on the roster for UA either. So...are you even a football player? I know press doesn't validate someone, but wouldn't a football player have press, even local press. I hardly consider my ex a footbal star, but the papers around here can't get enough of him. It weirds me out when I google someone and find NOTHING. And this is after seeing his Drivers License, so at least I know he didn't lie about his name..
No need to ask, I definitely stopped answering his phone calls after that conversation. I hate liars.


D Alexandra said...

you go girl! cut his ass off.

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