Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The Miracle of a Prayer

I've been having nightmares almost 3 times a week since mid October. If you know my life it's pretty easy to figure out why. Yes...something so simple jarred my subconscious in such a big way. I used to pray for the nightmares to be done with, but I don't think my heart was in it. I think I secretly liked dreaming about it. It [my dreams] were all I had left. Over time, I stopped praying completely. I knew I shouldn't have, but I felt as if it made no sense to pray and then counteract those prayers. I am someone who believes in prayer, but I also believe that God helps those who helps themselves -- and I can say that I was not helping myself.

Last night, for the first time in a long time, I finally decided to pray. I kept it simple -- asking God for forgiveness, guidance, and protection-- but I felt that those three things were the foundation that I was lacking at the moment. Lo behold, last night was the first night in a long time that I didn't have a nightmare or a dream about [it]. In the morning I even remembered to thank the Lord for waking me up.

I don't regard the end of my nightmares as a miracle, at least not in the way most people know miracles. I just know that for me, it was something that I could not have done alone. Hell, it was something that I couldn't accomplish with 10 other people telling me what to do. This just reaffirms the fact that God is real, God is love, God is EVERYTHING. [Truly the alpha & the omega]. Moreover it reaffirms the fact that without God I wouldn't be.


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